Monday, November 25, 2013

Things We Think About When We See a UC Performance

1. Yeah UC!

2. I want to clap along, but my body is too uncoordinated

3. I wish I could have that sweatshirt....

4. Oh! That looks easy! I can definitely do that!

5. I should've tried out....

6. Wut....? I can definitely not do that.....

7. The clapping must hurt their hands....

8. The stomping scares me because I feel like the stage is gonna break..

9. Oh Well, there is always next year.... 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

9 Types of Harkness Students

1. Shy

2. Devil's Advocate

3. That kid that just talks TOO much

4. Kid that actually cares

5. Calls people out

6. Text cite-r

7. That one kid who actually read

8. That one kid who didn't read 

9. After all, It'll all work out fine

23 Most Likely Instagram Hashtags at Masters

1. #Selfie

2. #SeniorGame

3. #NewPrada

4. #Harkness

5. #Fieldhockey

6. #Senior2014

7. #JustinRaiFanClub

8. #2amEssays

9. #AP

10. #SAT

11. #Morningmeeting

12. #Fencing

13. #Firedrill

14. #CatherineZetaJones

15. #MACC

16. #College

17. #ForgotMyKeycard

18. #AllMyFriendsHaveAMercedes

19. #Senioritis

20. #BigD

21. #LilD

22. #Money

23. #ItsSoColdInTheD

6 Types of People You See During Morning Meeting

1. Sleeps during Morning Meeting

2. Does Homework at the Last Minute (secretly)

3. On Their Phone

4. Overenthusiastic About Announcements (Gets us riled up!)

5. Participates in Every Morning Meeting Challenge

6. Always Late (basically spends half the meeting outside the theater)

7 Types of people at Masters

1. Coffee Lover
  • carries a cup of coffee/tea EVERYWHERE
2. Theater Kids
  • "Phoenix coffee house this Friday! You should all be there!"

3. Standardized Test Obsessor
  • "OMG Test scores are coming out tomorrow!"

4. The Hipsters
  • "Starbucks is sooooo corporate"

5. Kids that dress like fashion bloggers
  • Ready for a photoshoot anytime

6. Chinese food addicts
  • Always with Chinese take-out/Lefties
  • "Call lefties!"

7. The overenthusiastic freshman
  • Signs up to all the clubs during club fair and never shows up.